

vol.422  七十二候:虹始見 続きを読む

vol.422 七十二候:虹始見

本日は七十二候(※)で、「虹始見」(にじはじめてあらわ)の日です。   春深まりと共に空気がしっとりと潤い、雨上がりには美しい虹が見られる季節です。 遠くにかかる虹は、まるで天空を彩るアーティストのように、豊かな色彩で空を飾り立てます。 雨粒が太陽光を反射し、その純粋な


vol.421 (EN) Finally, a “defector” from North Korea spoke to me. 続きを読む

vol.421 (EN) Finally, a “defector” from North Korea spoke to me.

Even garbage becomes food. There is no legal punishment called “death penalty”.
※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version) Even now, North Korea is shortening the distance with China and Russia, and it continues to test-


Vol 420 (EN) 【In Memoriam】 Akebono Taro 続きを読む

Vol 420 (EN) 【In Memoriam】 Akebono Taro

1993 Memories of the Hong Kong Tournament
(Given Akebono's passing, the "Finally Spoken 'Defectors' on North Korea" will be published tomorrow)   We lost the 64th Yokozuna, Akeb


vol.419(EN) Finally, a “defector” from North Korea spoke to me. 続きを読む

vol.419(EN) Finally, a “defector” from North Korea spoke to me.

“Live” to obtain food. Just that kind of world
※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version) Last fall, I talked about how my consulting firm in Seoul had tentatively accepted a "defector" f


Vol 418(EN)  Nikkei Newspaper, Please Stop Confusing the World 続きを読む

Vol 418(EN) Nikkei Newspaper, Please Stop Confusing the World

The “theoretical value” of the exchange rate? There’s no such thing
※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version) This is a corner to answer questions about economics that have arrived at the contributor Snow Wh


vol 417 (EN)  72 seasons: What day is it today? 続きを読む

vol 417 (EN) 72 seasons: What day is it today?

Wild Geese Fly North
※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version) Today is the day of the 72nd solar term, "Wild Geese Fly North". The geese that have spent the wi


vol.417     七十二候:鴻雁北 続きを読む

vol.417 七十二候:鴻雁北

本日は七十二候(※)で、「鴻雁北」(こうがんかえる)の日です。 春に飛来するツバメと入れ替わるようにして、冬の間を日本で過ごしていた雁(がん)が北国へ去っていくころです。   「鴻雁」とは、「がん」と呼ばれる渡り鳥のことで、「鴻」('ひしくい')は大型のがんを、「雁」は


vol.416 (EN) There Might be a Temporary Stop to the Yen’s Depreciation 続きを読む

vol.416 (EN) There Might be a Temporary Stop to the Yen’s Depreciation

Attention needs to be paid to the reactions of the authorities and changes in the external environment
※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version) I just contributed an article titled "Unstoppable Yen Depreciation - What's the Problem?" last Mo


vol.415 (EN)   “Rakuten” Earthquake is coming. Is your disaster prevention measures sufficient? 続きを読む

vol.415 (EN) “Rakuten” Earthquake is coming. Is your disaster prevention measures sufficient?

Investment method called Flipping
※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version) Rakuten G, not suitable for investment, flipper, short-term resale Natural disasters such as heav


vol.414 (EN)        As expected, “ゆっくり” was translated as deliberately 続きを読む

vol.414 (EN) As expected, “ゆっくり” was translated as deliberately

Let’s start broadcasting in English at the same time as Japanese!
※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version) 【The English translation of the speech by Mr. Tamura, a member of the Bank of Japan, is finally o
