※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

When it comes to the ultra-rich, each individual’s needs are vastly different, and private bankers must devote their time and energy to their clients to the utmost.

I have personally contracted with only 15 clients in 25 years. This was the limit in order to maintain client expectations.

The world of the ultra-rich is a different world even compared to the general affluent. It is taboo for salesmen to engage in “Incitement”, that is to prompt or guide clients to act.

People who can easily move funds of over 10 billion yen on their own are mostly successful entrepreneurs. And they are swarmed by people like ants, and have plenty of information including rumors.

Furthermore, they have deeper expertise than private bankers, and half-hearted opinions are nothing but a nuisance.

You may wonder how transactions with them proceed.

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