“Do you think you can live on a monthly pension of ¥140,000?”
Most people would shake their heads at this question.
However, surprisingly, Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) is managing its investments with this target in mind.
This fact came to light recently through a contribution from a prominent business leader, and when we verified this with GPIF officials, it was confirmed to be true.
In modern Japan, maintaining a stable retirement life on ¥140,000 per month is not easy.
As society ages and living costs continue to rise, can our future really be secured with the current investment approach?
While discussions about changes in political leadership, the “¥1.03 million ceiling,” and political funding issues are important, shouldn’t we prioritize reforming the system that protects the livelihood of our seniors who have supported society throughout their lives?
When examining GPIF’s investment structure closely, its reality is shocking.