※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

The physician colleague who has contributed ten articles on “death with dignity, euthanasia, living will, and end-of-life care” has, regrettably, crossed the rainbow bridge.


I deeply thank you for listening to his words for so long.


I will now take up the baton and continue these contributions.


Like him, I have been involved with “death with dignity, euthanasia, living will, and end-of-life care” in Europe for nearly 20 years.


I returned to Japan several years ago and have been steadily working on these themes with my fellow colleagues.


Nothing would make me happier than if these future contributions can provide you with opportunities to “sometimes pause and think about important matters.”


“No one can escape illness, and no one can escape death”


Hearing this truth might make you feel confronted with an inevitable fate.

However, it is by facing this truth that we can choose better ways to end our lives.


As a palliative care physician, I have encountered many patients and families who lament, “If only we had known earlier, we could have made different choices.”


There are many options in end-of-life care, and each one shapes the final chapter of life.


Unfortunately, the realities of medical care and scientific facts rarely reach the general public accurately.


In today’s world of information overload, misunderstandings and misinformation circulate freely, significantly influencing the choices of patients and their families.


Therefore, in this article, I will address common misconceptions about “end-of-life care” and provide accurate information.


Our goal is to share the knowledge necessary for choosing your “desired ending.”


Is Morphine a “Life-Shortening Drug”? The Misconception and Truth

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