※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


“Gossip” and “entertainment industry insider stories” might be fun at times, but they can’t be considered truly useful information.

Japan is now considering the liberalization of dismissal laws.

Why not start acquiring “knowledge and culture,” assets that cannot be stolen?

In any country, those who dismiss others are well-informed about their homeland and current affairs.



Today, in the 72 seasonal divisions, is the day of “Arrival of the Wild Geese”



As autumn deepens and the sky becomes clearer, the season when wild geese, or “kōgan,” migrate from the northern lands to Japan arrives.


Arrival of the Wild Geese is one of the 72 microseasons that beautifully signifies the subtle shifts in nature.



These geese travel vast distances, seeking warmth as they flee the cold.


While this migration may seem ordinary, there is profound emotion behind it.


Like these birds, humans too embark on journeys in life, facing change and seeking new environments.


The moments when we start something new at work or in education are akin to the arrival of the geese.


Just as they soar across the open skies, venturing into unknown lands, we too feel a thrill when stepping into new and unfamiliar worlds.


This feeling is not unique to Japan but cherished globally.

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