※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


This article has not been edited, in accordance with the contributor’s wishes.


We returned to Japan with a total of 10 people, including my parents-in-law and my brother-in-law’s family, under the pretext of ancestral worship.

One of the reasons we came to Japan together is to consider moving to Japan with all our relatives.


Despite the Chinese government’s suppression of Hong Kong that disappointed the world so much, according to the “2024 Cost of Living Ranking for Overseas Expatriates” by Mercer US, Hong Kong remains the most expensive city in the world for expatriates, as it was last year. Singapore ranks second.


Now might be the perfect time to sell real estate in Hong Kong.

The exchange rate for Japanese yen is also favorable.


For those who have been reading my contributions, I believe you already understand that in Hong Kong, there is a risk of arrest just for exchanging anti-China content via email or mobile phone.


【*Please search for Mr. Turn Red’s past articles in the “Contributor Archive” on the HP】



This time too, I am contributing using a PC in a rental office in Japan, in a way that cannot be personally identified.


What I want to emphasize again is not just the suppression of Hong Kong, but the importance of freedom and democracy that we normally take for granted in our own countries.


After returning home and talking to many people, I was surprised to find that even at the executive level, many people understand Hong Kong’s democratization movement only to the extent of the Tiananmen Square incident.



While I avoid explaining or arguing in strong terms, such insufficient understanding of international affairs could lead to Japanese people being seen as lacking in international sensibility.


There are already wise businesspeople around the world who view Japanese people in this way.

I hope to raise awareness on this point.


In conclusion, I strongly feel that I want the Japanese people to also cultivate the knowledge and courage to maintain freedom, democracy, and peace.


First, I would like you to deepen your understanding of China’s outrageous act that robbed Hong Kong people of their freedom and democracy in an instant, and the law behind it.


The Turning Point of the Disappearance of

「One Country, Two Systems」

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