※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


Gossip and celebrity backstories can be entertaining at times, but they aren’t really useful information.

“Once in a lifetime” Wouldn’t you like to learn a bit more about the wonderful Japan?

Wouldn’t you like to know Japan better than the Japanese?


Today marks the microseason of “Grains Ripen” in the 72 microseasons.


The Season of Harvest: A Celebration of Japanese Beauty and Culture


During the period of “Grains Ripen”, Japan’s rural landscape shines golden, with drooping ears of rice spreading across the fields.


This scene has long been depicted in many poems and paintings as a symbol of abundance, embodying the essence of Japanese culture living in harmony with nature.


This autumn harvest carries a deeper meaning beyond mere agricultural achievement.

Japan’s rice-growing culture has nurtured gratitude for nature’s blessings and bonds between people.



For instance, the harvest festival known as “Aki Matsuri” is an important event where local communities gather to offer thanks to the gods.


The spirit of mutual aid born through agricultural work has taken root and continues to thrive in modern life.


Japanese rice cultivation culture exhibits a unique delicacy and harmony with nature compared to other countries worldwide.

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