※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


Gossip and celebrity backstories can be entertaining at times, but they aren’t really useful information.


“Once in a lifetime”—Wouldn’t you like to learn a bit more about the wonderful Japan?


Wouldn’t you like to know Japan better than the Japanese?


Today marks the day of “Kansemimei (Higurashi Naku)” in the seventy-two solar terms.

This time of year is known for the cicadas’ songs heralding the end of summer.


The cicadas’ cries signal the changing of the seasons, yet this year, with persistent heat waves and heavy rains, the end of summer in Japan feels distant.


Living in Japan, the arrival of summer is unmistakably announced by the sound of cicadas, and their fading voices herald the coming of autumn.


However, in urban areas, it has become challenging to hear their songs except in parks, despite their abundance in nature-rich areas.


Why not take a moment once a year to reflect on the cicadas?

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