※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

*This article has not been edited according to the provider’s intention.


As Islam has branched out and expanded “Islamic strength” in various ways, various mixed ideas have emerged.

Throughout its long history, there are countries and regions that have placed importance on values different from the original Islam.


One example is the prohibition of school attendance for female students and university students and the ban on female participation in NGOs in Afghanistan that became an issue a few years ago.


This is the thinking of the Taliban regime and has nothing to do with the essence of Islam.

Without education, one cannot learn the true essence of Islam. It’s not just that.



The case of a Kurdish woman who was killed for allegedly wearing the hijab (head covering) incorrectly by the “morality police” in Iran is also an act outside of Islam.


Originally, in Islam, there are no regulations that punish a woman’s body for not wearing a hijab.


This time too, let’s dispel misunderstandings and prejudices through Q&A.


Q: Is Islam polygamous?


A: This is a complete misunderstanding and prejudice.

There was a Japanese minister who casually asked me this in Japanese with such an understanding.

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