※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

*This article has not been edited according to the provider’s intention.


Islam is the world’s second-largest religion in terms of population.

Astonishingly, approximately 25% of the world’s population, or 1.9 billion people, are Muslims.


Without a basic understanding of this religion, it’s impossible to interpret global affairs.


I define geopolitics as the analysis of the current situation and geoeconomics as the practice of policy.


Most business leaders focus too much on geopolitics, but geoeconomics is also extremely important.


The relationships between Islamic countries and Western countries are highly fluid, and their impacts become immediate once conflicts arise.


From this perspective, accurate basic knowledge of Islam is indispensable.



For example, in Singapore, understanding is widespread due to the proximity of major Islamic countries (Indonesia and Malaysia), but Japan loses business opportunities due to its lack of understanding of Islamic countries.


I hope this time you will grasp this understanding.


Let’s proceed with an easy-to-understand Q&A.


Q: What does the term “Islam” in Islam mean?

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