※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


Continuing the full picture of the “Structured Bond Perpetrator Group,” the remaining two perpetrators are the structuring company and the sales company.


I served as the head of structured bonds at a foreign investment bank. I understand that former colleagues and sales companies, who are my clients, might say, “Who are you to talk?


This time, my proposal regarding the sale of structured bonds includes:

“Total prohibition is incompetence,”

“Sales companies need a competency test,”

“Implement risk quantification and mandate disclosure to individual investors.”


If this is clarified, most lawsuits will become “investment at your own risk.”


After all, there are investors who have profited from structured bonds.

Usually, most individual investors do not express significant gratitude to the sales company when they profit.



Conversely, when they incur losses, they relentlessly complain to their contact person with a furious expression.



In such a state, it is impossible for young salesmen at sales companies to continue working.


The era has already arrived where we can scrutinize the sales style, approach, and capability assessment of securities sales companies.


Now, let’s talk about the remaining two perpetrators.


Perpetrator File 4. Structuring Company

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