※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


Gossip and celebrity backstories can be entertaining at times, but they aren’t really useful information.


“Once in a lifetime”—Wouldn’t you like to learn a bit more about the wonderful Japan?


Wouldn’t you like to know Japan better than the Japanese?



Today in the seventy-two micro-seasons, it’s the day of Earth Moistens in Sultry Heat (tsuchi uruou te mushi atsushi).


Earth Moistens in Sultry Heat symbolizes the middle of summer.


During this period, the earth becomes moist, the air gets humid, and the sultry heat increases.


It marks the end of the rainy season and the arrival of the peak summer, where the land, rich with moisture, fosters abundant life, but also brings unbearable heat to Japan.


People from Northern Europe will experience the baptism of Japan’s summer.


In this season, nature brings abundant blessings, crops in the fields grow, and greenery becomes more vibrant.



The sound of cicadas echoes lively, and summer scenes can be seen everywhere.


This sultry heat drains physical strength, so from ancient times, the Japanese have devised ways to cool down.

The sound of wind chimes, sprinkling water, the coolness of yukata, and cold tea or watermelon are some of the many wisdoms to survive the summer. Savor the wisdom of Japan.


Do you know wind chimes?

We Japanese feel a sense of coolness from the sound of wind chimes.


So, why does the sound of wind chimes feel cool? Can you explain it?



This involves multiple factors that can also be applied to business.


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