※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


We all tend to forget the importance of education amidst our daily busyness.


In every country, people at a certain level are constantly learning about their homeland and current affairs.


“Gossip” and “entertainment behind-the-scenes” may be fun at times.

However, they are almost unnecessary information.


Why not try to know more about Japan than the Japanese themselves?


Today is one of the seventy-two seasons, “Hawk Learning” (Taka Sunawachi Waza o Narau).


Hawks are highly intelligent birds that learn hunting techniques from their parents.

During this period, they intensively practice hunting skills. The parent bird repeatedly demonstrates hunting methods to teach its offspring.


Doesn’t this sound familiar? It’s similar to Japanese students during summer vacation.

The success of exams often hinges on the effort put in during this time, much like how hawks and children both learn essential skills.


Hawks are renowned for their keen vision and exceptional flying abilities, yet few people know much about them.

Why not take this opportunity to learn more about these fascinating birds?


Mating and Breeding of Eagles

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