※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


Suddenly, 10 cute kittens appeared in the garden of my parents’ house.


Then, I was informed that three parent cats gather in the garden every day.

When I rushed to see it, there were a total of 13 cats in the group.


Upon observation, there was one adult male and two females.

Presumably, this male mated with the two females almost simultaneously.


Not knowing how to deal with this number of cats, I decided to contact the Animal Welfare Center under the jurisdiction of the health center.


Living in Tokyo, I rarely encounter feral cats, and I learned a lot from this experience.


If a person from Germany, where they are proactive in protecting dogs and cats, saw this, they might think that Japan is a country unworthy of keeping dogs and cats.


I would like to share some surprising facts and think about how to coexist with feral cats.

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