※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


Regular Staff Reassignment often feature in Japan’s national newspapers.

This morning, changes within the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were highlighted.


Such transfers have been standard practice for years, even in government institutions.

In the private sector, large-scale transfers are carried out in spring and autumn, filling several newspaper pages.


In the U.S., government departments also perform “staff reassignments,” but it’s not as systematic as in Japan.


As a consultant for Japanese companies, I’ve witnessed the confusion and waste brought about by frequent personnel changes.

Often, as soon as a person in charge gains understanding in their role over a 3-year cycle, they’re transferred to another department, and training for the new person becomes necessary.


Not just banks and newspapers, but many listed companies follow a regular and systematic personnel transfer schedule.

The benefits aren’t immediately clear.


As a partner of a consulting firm, I urge you to consider this:

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