※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

At long last, Honda and Yamaha have chosen to halt production of 50cc ‘scooters’.

While they attribute this to tighter regulations, the underlying cause is simply ‘lackluster sales’.


According to reports, domestic shipments of 50cc or less in 2023 totaled a mere 92,824 units, a stark contrast to the peak of 2,784,578 units in 1982 — a mere 3% in comparison.


Given these numbers, it’s rather surprising that production continued for so long.

If it had been an American company, they would have likely discontinued production much earlier.


In contemporary urban landscapes, electric-assisted bicycles and electric kickboards have become a regular sight, indicating a shift in the preferred modes of short-distance travel.


Furthermore, in some localities, electric bikes are more affordable than mopeds due to available subsidies.


This transition isn’t unique to Japan; in countries like China and Vietnam too, the 50cc scooter, once hailed as ‘the people’s vehicle’, is gradually disappearing.

This change reflects the evolving times and culture.


Undoubtedly, the creation of motorized scooters paved the way for electric-assisted bicycles and electric kickboards.

In a sense, it fostered a culture that resonated more with the masses than even Amazon.


The issue of ‘collateral accidents’ associated with electric motorcycles and kickboards remains underreported.


Nonetheless, it seems fitting to take a moment to honor the ’50cc scooter’, which is likely to become a thing of the past within the next decade.


Preserving these memories serves as a testament to our changing times, and this effort is far from futile.

Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.

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