※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Corporate acquisition funds (private equity funds) are reported to be planning massive investments in Japan.


While not on the scale of the major funds announcing investment plans of over $10 bn, my investment fund is planning to invest on the scale of $ 2bn.


The “Buy Japan” festival begins.


The financial crisis in Japan in the early 2000s allowed us to make substantial profits from fire sales of assets by banks and companies.


At that time, in Japan, there was a lack of understanding of corporate revitalization and investment businesses, and we were sometimes called “vultures“.

I was uncomfortable being ridiculed, but I was able to make profits on the scale of hundreds of $ millions and now I am grateful for the self-destruction of “Japanese-style management“.


Without our funds stepping in at that time, there would probably have been hundreds of thousands of unemployed people throughout Japan.


This time’s “Buy Japan” is a different investment plan from 20 years ago.


Certainly, management who are complacent about lifetime employment will be fired, and many employees who depend on the company will become unemployed.


In other words, we are the guides to the dawn of an era moving towards unemployment rates and performance-based systems like other advanced countries.


In reality, many candidates for acquisition are being brought in by Japanese companies and banks.

This includes quite a number of local companies.


I can’t talk about many of them, but as an acquisition fund, we want to convey that we are an entity that is resented by the lazy but appreciated by talented personnel.


On the other hand, I would like to deepen understanding about the elegance (or “cruelty” to the Japanese who are accustomed to employment protection) of the acquisition fund.


In fact, the Japanese government has been contacting us since a few years ago.

They are very favorable.


They are afraid of a chain reaction of bankruptcies as companies with no bright ideas for wasteful management or corporate revitalization start to go bankrupt and banks start to pull their loans rapidly.

For the Japanese government, we are the saviors from “chain bankruptcy”.


They don’t want to give the impression of tolerating “vultures” rampaging in Japan, and they are strongly communicating the positive aspects (capital injection and revitalization, efficiency of management, introduction of new technology and know-how) through the media.

We are grateful for that.


Let’s talk about why we, the acquisition funds, expanded our investment plans.

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