※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

India is currently experiencing both the light and shadow of rapid economic growth.


This is a situation unique to developing countries, accompanied by challenges unthinkable in advanced countries.


There are many major issues, but the most important can be said to be the improvement of “water supply“.

The Modi administration needs to actively address these issues, and the journey is expected to be difficult and arduous.


I am deeply involved in this project myself and understand its importance.

Water is the “source of life“, and its supply and management are extremely important.


Indian conglomerates are investing enormous political power, money, and labor in this business.

This is because drinking water and water supply are the “key to life”, and they do not want this key to be taken away by foreign capital.

Not only the Indian conglomerate I work for, but almost all Indian capitalists want to monopolize this.


Today, I would like to explain the situation of water supply in India and help you understand how grand an investment business the water supply business in India is.

This is truly a worthwhile investment.


Investing in India’s water supply projects is an important investment in the growth and development of a huge country, and understanding its value should result in many investment opportunities.


First, I will explain the situation of water supply in India. It’s a shocking reality when viewed from advanced countries.

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