※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

【For Overseas Members】

We hope you will recognize that Japan’s emotions and sensitivities have been cultivated historically.

Today, in the 72nd solar term, it is the day of ‘Rotten Grass Turns to Fireflies’.

It is a very hard-to-imagine phrase, but ‘Rotten Grass Turns to Fireflies’ is an old Chinese idiomatic expression, which literally translates to ‘rotten grass turns into fireflies’.


This expression conveys a positive message that even in difficult situations or harsh environments, one can overcome them, hone oneself, and ultimately achieve great results.


For example, a person facing difficulties in life who overcomes those difficulties, learns to improve themselves, and can grow, can be said to embody the lesson of ‘Rotten Grass Turns to Fireflies’.

This proverb shows our attitude towards the difficulties and challenges we face, that we can overcome them, hone ourselves, and ultimately shine, showing hope.


Today, I would like to take the time to think about where fireflies, which have disappeared from Japan due to human selfishness, are going.

Please invest in yourself for about 1-2 minutes.

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