Seibu announced on the 26th that Manager Kazuo Matsui (48) would take a rest.

Manager Matsui finished 5th last season, his first year in office, with 65 wins, 77 losses and 1 draw.


This season, the batting slump continues, and they are at the bottom with a 3.5 game difference from 5th place Rakuten with 15 wins and 30 losses, and the light of winning by their own efforts had already gone out.

Even I, who have experience playing in Japanese professional baseball and MLB, thought this managerial change was unnatural.

Including the person who was my agent, I immediately started investigating the behind-the-scenes situation and found that the circumstances were within my imagination.


Baseball OBs and others are saying on YouTube that it was important to let him resign early so as not to damage the career of star player Kazuo Matsui.

Sports newspaper reporters are also distributing articles in defense of the team.


There is no such person who has such an idea as a professional baseball team manager.

Especially if the team is financially unstable, it is even more so.


On the other hand, upon hearing that the successor is GM Hisanobu Watanabe, I was reminded of the severity of the team’s cost-cutting pressure, which was similar to last year when GM Kazuhisa Ishii of Rakuten Eagles became the manager.


This dismissal drama should be considered a “brink of a business sales strategy.”

Let’s talk about the big deal if there is any movement towards the end of this year.

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