※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

I am a unique Japanese person who has lived in Singapore for 25 years and has fully mastered Singlish (Singapore English).

Currently, as a private banker for a foreign bank, I am in charge of many wealthy Japanese clients.


The Japanese government felt a crisis and strengthened the regulation of overseas outflow of funds about 15 years ago, but many wealthy Japanese people have already transferred their assets to Singapore.


Even after strengthening regulations, consultations for Singapore from wealthy Japanese people, referred to as a ‘tax heaven‘, are increasing.

While Switzerland’s status is declining, interest in Singapore is on the rise.

There are still loopholes.


Many Japanese companies have a Singaporean base for their expansion in Asia and have many Japanese expatriates stationed there.

However, few people understand Singapore, and most report to the Tokyo headquarters with a superficial understanding.

Therefore, it is hard to deny that it is difficult to gain an advantage in business negotiations with Singaporeans.


The exact reason is unclear, but it seems that there is a lot of thinking based on Japanese standards because it is possible to live without problems in Japanese society and to establish business between Japanese companies.

Or perhaps they like ‘village societies’ or are ‘bad at diplomacy’.

In fact, in Singapore, you often see Japanese expatriates enjoying golf with Japanese people or holding meetings at Izakaya.

With this, the value and significance of expatriates are questioned, and they are not respected by ambitious Singaporeans.

This time, we will focus on ‘Singapore’s discrimination‘ which the media does not often cover.

I want you to understand ‘Singapore’s discrimination’ as one of the successes in business in Singapore.

However, please understand that this is not everything.


Discrimination Based on Intelligence and Genetics

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