※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


In response to this news, we’ve received many inquiries about Norinchukin Bank, so I’ll explain briefly.


Although it may not be well known to the general public, Norinchukin Bank is a financial institution renowned as Japan’s top asset management professional group, even on the international financial market.


Norinchukin Bank is one of the largest institutional investors in Japan, with total assets reaching approximately 70.76 trillion yen (about 844.4 billion dollars).


Its investment portfolio is diverse, spreading across domestic and foreign equities, bonds, real estate, and private equity.

This massive scale of investment makes it a leading professional asset management team in Japan that has an impact on financial markets worldwide.


Anyone working in a financial institution would say that “Norinchukin Bank is the best asset management professional in Japan”.


There is a similar financial institution called Shinkin Central Bank, but their structure is completely different.

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