※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

【For Overseas Members】

We hope you will recognize that Japan’s emotions and sensitivities have been cultivated historically.


Today is “Safflower Prosperity” in the 72 seasons in Japan. It refers to the time when safflowers bloom profusely.


The safflower (safflower) is said to originate from Egypt. Safflowers have been used as a dye since ancient Egyptian times.

In fact, safflower pollen was discovered in the tomb of King Tutankhamen, and it is believed to have been used to dye the royal costumes and the bandages of mummies.

In ancient Egypt, safflowers were also used as cosmetics and medicine.

Safflowers were introduced to Japan through the Silk Road during the Asuka period and subsequently spread throughout Japan.

The Asuka period is the era from 593 AD, when Emperor Suiko ascended to the throne, to 710 AD, when the capital was moved to Heijo-kyo.


Isn’t it amazing that there was a trade route from Egypt to Japan more than 1400 years ago?


Safflowers that came from ancient Egypt. Don’t you feel like unraveling a page of history?


Many people, when they hear of Egypt, think only of ancient civilizations and pyramids.

So, I took this opportunity to ask “Mr. Hassan”, who moved from Egypt to Japan during the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, about Egypt.


Thirteen years have passed since I sought asylum in Japan, but I think the Japanese people have very little interest in the country of Egypt.

Even in this age of rapid information, I was surprised that many people think Egypt is in the Middle East.

Egypt is located at the junction of the Middle East and the African continent and is one of the regions where ancient civilizations existed. Its recorded history dates back to the 4th millennium BC.


I wish people knew about Egypt, both in a good and a bad way. I will explain briefly.

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