※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

This is a topic that should be considered

during a healthy period of life,

and may be an issue to address

before thinking about inheritance.


Last time, I briefly explained the current state of euthanasia in the Netherlands, a country considered advanced in this regard.


There has been a lot of debate and questions about the Netherlands’ approach to euthanasia and its legal handling.

I believe it’s natural for there to be a variety of opinions.

This is because there is no one correct answer when it comes to ‘human life’ and ‘the right to live and die’.


I hope to provide information that will allow you to take your time and think about this issue.


The Netherlands and Switzerland are often cited as progressive countries with regards to euthanasia, but there are also significant forces in Western countries that oppose euthanasia.

One of these is the Catholic Church, which prohibits suicide.

About 40% of the Dutch population are practicing Catholics.

Despite this, the fact that euthanasia has been legalized may be surprising.


I will explain the reality of the Netherlands.

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