※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

This is the second part of the questions and answers session with Mr. Snow White, who is active in the center of international finance.

Mr. Snow White is having direct discussions with major professional investors globally, but due to his position, he cannot specifically talk about what these professionals are doing.


Also, he cannot disclose the contents of his discussions with officials from the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan.


We hope that this information will be useful for those in charge of management and investment as a permanent asset for organization and memory.


Let’s get into the second part.

Question 4: Is the Ministry of Finance aiming to make it more difficult for professionals to manipulate the market by intervening intermittently and suddenly?

コンテンツの残りを閲覧するにはログインが必要です。 お願い . あなたは会員ですか ? 会員について