※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

The reality of what was predicted on 4/22, the world of 1 dollar = 160 yen is coming soon (click), is approaching.


Yesterday’s Nikkei newspaper featured numerous titles related to yen depreciation.


☞ Yen depreciation ‘material for policy judgment’

☞ Bank of Japan Governor: Determining the impact on prices

☞ Additional rate hike postponed

☞ Bank of Japan maintains status quo, market disappointment

☞ Intervention of yen buying, surveillance

☞ Prices, yen depreciation not significant


After nearly 30 years working for global investment banks, I am convinced that the era of “Japan, where everything is cheap” will cease to exist.

Prices similar to New York and London are imminent.


In a few years, a world of 1 dollar = 200 yen will be near.


It’s not ‘yen depreciation’

that’s challenging now.

The ‘yen appreciation’ up to now was abnormal.

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