※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

This series doesn’t provide a single answer as everyone’s circumstances and outlooks differ. Additionally, in the context of Japan, the perspectives available might be limited.

What options can you consider when you’re grappling with an incurable disease and the end of your life is on the horizon?


It could be too late to ponder these questions when the hour arrives.

It’s an issue that ideally should be thought about during healthier times, maybe even before considering inheritance matters.


I am a healthcare professional who returned to Japan after 25 years.

Both my wife and I have limited time, which led us to return to Japan.

I have been part of the “right to die” movement, a topic of significant discussion in the West.


I wanted to create an opportunity to contemplate a peaceful end, so I initiated this series.

I’ve arranged for some friends to continue sharing information in this series, even after I’m gone.


Many Japanese individuals tend to shy away from such profound discussions.

However, I firmly believe that the first step towards a fulfilling life is to educate oneself on “dignified death”, “euthanasia”, “living will”, even if you don’t discuss it with anyone else.


I’ll gradually progress this discussion and would appreciate your occasional input.

Reflecting on this issue could be one of the most valuable things you do in your life.

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