※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Hello there! Did you know that today is one of the Seventy-two Seasons (*), also called “The First Appearance of the Rainbow”?

As we’re moving further into spring and the air gets a little damp, it’s the perfect time to spot a beautiful rainbow just after a rain shower.


Picture a distant rainbow as an artist’s brush, adding vibrant strokes of color across the sky.

Isn’t it magical when raindrops catch the sunlight, reflecting their pure beauty across the sky in a mysterious arch? It’s a sight that truly captures our hearts.

So, why not dive into the world of rainbows? You might emerge a little more enlightened and in tune with nature’s wonders.


Let’s delve into some fun facts, perfect for a relaxing Sunday chat over a glass of your favorite wine.

1. Here’s a fact only 25% of Japanese people know.

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