Recently, at the national hospital where I work, there has been an increase in severe patients who have been transported due to a superficial agreement between a general practitioner and the patient, and patients suspected to have suffered from taking supplements, health foods, and foods with functional claims.

Not only as a doctor but also as a researcher, donations from companies are a significant supporter, and many university medical department personnel are the same.

Therefore, most doctors avoid speaking their views in public about “supplements, health foods/foods with functional claims” due to consideration for companies.

On the other hand, the number of victims caused by taking supplements, health foods, and foods with functional claims is increasing.

I perceive the harm from the health food containing “red mold” ingredients made by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, which is a problem this time, as a good opportunity for patients to re-recognize the basic understanding to protect their life and health.

These products are widely accepted as a means to maintain health, but without proper usage and understanding, they can become threats to health.

This time, I want to convey that there are risks not only in “supplements, health foods/foods with functional claims” but also in “drugs prescribed by general practitioners”.

At the same time, I want to convey the basic understanding that “patients” should have.

It is not about blindly following what the doctor says, but not taking the risk of harming health by immature self-judgment.

I won’t say anything difficult.

It’s a logic that most patients would understand but tend to forget. By doing so, you can defend your life and health. That is my wish.

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