※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Suddenly, my wife woke up to bodybuilding and started muscle training.

Along with that, her eating habits changed dramatically, from wine to protein, beef to chicken breast, and what she consumed became stoic.

She doesn’t tell me whether her interest in me has faded or whether she wants to build a beautiful body.

I’m too scared to ask.

“Chicken breast is rich in protein needed to strengthen muscles, and because it is low in fat, it can build muscles without increasing body fat.”

Even I understand that much.

Just like that, bodybuilders and athletes continue to eat chicken breast every day, their muscles are getting stronger, and their performance is improving dramatically.

My wife is no exception.

Her appearance is also changing rapidly.

It’s okay to leave it as it is, or if you have a picture of a chicken breast, please use it.

I am the exact opposite of my wife, a typical Showa Japanese who “hates exercising”, “drinks alcohol and finishes with ramen”, and “goes to karaoke when drunk outside”.

I also run a sales company for a Japanese car manufacturer, and drinking parties and entertainment with customers and business partners are indispensable.

As a result, I have gained 15 kilograms in the past 10 years, and now friends who haven’t met me for 10 years can’t even recognize me.

Sorry for the digression, but since my wife got hooked on chicken breast, chicken appears on our dining table every day.

I’m not interested in dieting or muscle gain, but I’ve become strangely interested in chicken.

Even when I asked my employees, I found out that there are many things I don’t know about the familiar chicken.

I have a customer who is an official of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and an expert on “chickens”, so I asked him various questions.

It’s not a noble story, but it was a fun story to tell to children and grandchildren on holidays, so I’d like to share it here.

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