Amid the turbulence shaking the global automotive industry, the prospect of major mergers, including those involving Japanese manufacturers, is becoming increasingly tangible.


Reports of a potential merger between Honda and Nissan, with Mitsubishi Motors possibly joining the fold, mark just the beginning of a broader industry-wide realignment.



At our major U.S.-based fund, we have invested heavily in talent acquisition and conducted years of predictive analysis.


By meticulously evaluating evidence and probabilities, we anticipated these developments.


While Nissan’s stock price surged in response to the news, seasoned professionals remain unmoved—such knee-jerk reactions are the domain of algorithm-driven investment firms, not ours.


Thanks to collaboration with Seren’s editorial team, I recently visited a Japanese factory renowned for its advanced automotive components.


In return, I’d like to share insights from the perspective of a fund managing more than ten billions of USD.


If more investors can make informed decisions without succumbing to sensationalist headlines, consider it my Christmas gift to you—from New York, with care.



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