※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


As the possibility of a contingency in Taiwan becomes more real, Taiwan, Japan, and the United States are each approaching this issue from different standpoints.

But did you know that there are significant differences in the priorities and responses of each country to this critical situation?


During my time as a member of parliament, through repeated exchanges of opinions with Taiwanese politicians, it became clear that the geographical conditions, economic situations, and differences in national sentiment of each country were influencing their respective response attitudes.


So, what does the “Taiwan contingency” look like from the perspectives of Taiwan, Japan, and the United States?


I have never seen anyone in the media who can explain it from our point of view.


That’s how much our true intentions are not being conveyed throughout Japan.


The following are my thoughts based on direct interactions with parliamentarians from the three countries during my time as a member of parliament.


Taiwan’s Sense of Crisis: Countermeasures Against Everyday Threats

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