※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


“Gossip” and “entertainment industry insider stories” might be fun at times, but they can’t be considered truly useful information.


Japan is now considering the liberalization of dismissal laws.

Why not start acquiring “knowledge and culture,” assets that cannot be stolen?


In any country, those who dismiss others are well-informed about their homeland and current affairs.



As autumn deepens, the chrysanthemum blooms quietly in gardens across Japan. This phase, known as “Kikka Hiraku” in the traditional Japanese calendar of “72 microseasons,” captures this subtle change, marking a significant seasonal transition. In Japan, chrysanthemums symbolize a solemn association with death, as they are frequently seen at funerals and graves.

In contrast, in China, the same flower represents celebrations and longevity, embodying a vibrant, joyous sentiment. This striking difference in symbolism reflects the diverse cultural histories of Japan and China.

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