※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


Gossip and celebrity backstories can be entertaining at times, but they aren’t really useful information.

“Once in a lifetime” Wouldn’t you like to learn a bit more about the wonderful Japan?

Wouldn’t you like to know Japan better than the Japanese?


Today marks the microseason of “White Dew on Grass” in the 72 microseasons.


The Culture of Dew


White Dew on Grass (Kusa no Tsuyu Shiroshi) signifies a beautiful moment in Japan’s seasonal calendar, marking the beginning of the White Dew period.


As mornings and evenings cool down, the dew on grass leaves shines white, gently indicating the transition of seasons.

Each time we witness this dewy scene, we are reminded of Japan’s age-old respect and aesthetic appreciation for nature.


However, the profound significance of “White Dew on Grass” resonates not only in Japan but also with cultures and traditions around the world.



Consider, for instance, the garden culture of England.

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