※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


Gossip and celebrity backstories can be entertaining at times, but they aren’t really useful information.


“Once in a lifetime” Wouldn’t you like to learn a bit more about the wonderful Japan?


Wouldn’t you like to know Japan better than the Japanese?

During this season, the summer heat gradually subsides, and hints of autumn begin to be faintly felt.


It depicts how heaven and earth quietly settle, and coolness arrives.


In those moments when the morning and evening breezes feel just a bit cooler, perhaps you too are sensing the changing of the seasons.


At this time, rice harvesting begins in early regions like Tanegashima, and preparations for harvest festivals are underway in rural areas.



Winds announcing the end of summer blow, and the sounds of insects resonate as if whispering the arrival of autumn.

The frequent occurrence of typhoons during this period might also be related to the rhythm of nature.


The changing of seasons is not just a change in temperature.


It’s also something deeply etched in culture and hearts.


Not only in Japan, but around the world, the transition of seasons can be felt at this time, and each place has its own unique culture and events thriving.


Let’s turn our eyes to the world.


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