※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


I have mentioned that I work as a consultant for Korean chaebols.


I had considered conveying the understanding and expectations of the Korean chaebol owners I’ve been associated with for many years to a Japanese business delegation visiting Korea, and briefly summarized the key points.


However, upon calm reflection, it became clear that this would not lead to constructive action, so I refrained from speaking about it.


While the Korean economy has now grown to rival Japan’s, the Korean chaebol owners are not underestimating “Japan’s power.”


They highly value Japan’s technological prowess and economic strength, and invest enormous sums in researching and analyzing Japanese companies.


This time, I would like to share the “perspective of Korean chaebol owners” gained from my years of association with them.


These insights should be useful in business negotiations with Korea.



How Korean Chaebols View “Japan’s Strength”

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