※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)


I run a beer house in Tokyo.


Recently, we’ve welcomed more female customers, and I’m delighted.

Beer is rich in B vitamins, and I’ve been recommending it to women for a long time.

It seems that time has finally come, making me smile inside.


Every day, many beer enthusiasts talk to me, and various “beer discussions” unfold among the customers.

While people often speak freely at drinking venues, there are some misunderstandings in certain areas.


Many people have extensive knowledge of expensive wines and champagne, but even those in the food industry, with European living experience, or who have drunk a lot of beer—bartenders, restaurant owners, and chefs—sometimes have a surprisingly shallow understanding of beer.


On the other hand, beer is a popular drink, and not many people go to great lengths to learn about it.

That’s why I feel our presence is necessary.


I hope what I’m about to share slowly spreads among beer fans, and more people come to enjoy beer.


Now, let’s begin my basic course on Beer University.


Beer Introduction: Not “When Perry Arrived”

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