※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

At the contributor’s request, the original manuscript is being distributed as is.

We recognize the diverse perspectives on China’s situation with Japan.


However, at Selen, we believe it is important to accurately convey the thoughts

and feelings of Japanese people living in China.

“Why are Chinese people strong in negotiations, while Japanese people are weak?” is a topic I often hear from Japanese expatriates at my store.


Personally, I don’t believe this is true.


While I lack the historical knowledge to provide a clear reason, I think it might be because “Japan feels pressured by China’s massive market.”


The Japanese trading companies I frequently speak with also mention the immense pressure from their headquarters in Japan to “maximize the benefits of the large market scale.”


Isn’t there a way for the Japanese government to implement measures to slightly improve the “Anti-Japanese” sentiment? 


We believe that the best course of action is to significantly scale back investment and business activities in China.


Talking negatively about someone in China can have serious consequences.

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