※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

I am an American who has been transferred to a Japanese branch for two years.

My Japanese has improved and I no longer have trouble in my daily life.


As my understanding of Japanese began to improve, I became more active during weekends, and as a result, I encountered more and more of the “mysteries of Japan”.


Even when I asked my Japanese colleagues about these “mysteries of Japan“, I could hardly get any answers.

There are many mysterious phenomena in Japan, a country so fascinating.


I was surprised that most of my highly educated colleagues and those in the media could not answer my questions about these “mysteries“.


I misunderstood that Japanese people, being a single ethnic group unlike the multi-ethnic United States, understand most of the things due to their immersion in history education.


My curiosity deepened day by day, and after several months, I was introduced to a veteran historical guide. I would like to share the experience I had receiving guidance in a pub”IZAKAYA”

Japan as a country was more than I imagined, it was a country where the former national leaders used rational measures to govern.


I plan to contribute an article on the “mysteries of Japan” in the American media where I work in the near future.

If anyone has any objections or doubts, I would appreciate it if you could guide me through the “contact us” route. Thank you in advance.


Why are the ceremonies during a person’s life in Japan

Shinto, and the ceremonies after death Buddhist?

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