※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

【For Overseas Members】

We hope you will recognize that Japan’s emotions and sensitivities have been cultivated historically.


Today is the day of the 72nd solar term, “Arrival of Wheat Harvest” (muginotokiitaru) in Japan.


The wheat that was sown in early winter has now ripened to a wheat color.

The wheat fields waiting to be harvested shine in a golden color, contrasting sharply with the fresh greenery of this time.

The rainy season, which can be considered a specialty of Japan, is about to begin. we recommend going to see the wheat fields early.


Needless to say, wheat is widely cultivated all over the world.


However, the domestic production of wheat in Japan is remarkably low.

Even though bread has become the main staple over rice, the depreciation of the yen in the past 2-3 years has hit the household economy hard.

It is predicted that the prices of pasta, bread, and beer on supermarket shelves will double in a few years.

Should we be happy that Japan is finally experiencing inflation?


In any case, let’s take the time to remember that wheat, which is cultivated all over the world, has not only served as a mere agricultural product, but has also played an important role as a symbol of community unity and love.


Let’s start!

Britain’s “Harvest Home”:

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