※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

This series aims to help readers gradually gain a deeper understanding of Korea.

Seren will convey information concisely, from a local perspective, and slowly so that readers can gain something.


Many Japanese people may perceive North Korea as a creepy and unpredictable country.

The United States also views North Korea as an axis of evil.


However, I think we shouldn’t simply assume that we can’t fully understand a country located in the same Orient as us.

From our neighboring country South Korea, we can learn a lot in terms of economic and technological development.


I myself have been living in Seoul for nearly 30 years with my Korean wife and in-laws, and I am amazed at the evolution of Korean companies’ technological capabilities.


In particular, the R&D capabilities of Korean global companies are extremely high and they are continuously aiming for the “world’s top”.

They are leading the global market with their technological capabilities in cutting-edge fields such as electric vehicle batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, LNG ships, displays, 5G, semiconductors, and the electric vehicle market.

Samsung also has established an R&D base in Israel early on, preparing a system based on the global market.


This time, I will talk about the “unity” of Koreans and what Korea is “most afraid of” about North Korea.

Without understanding these, attempting to do business with Korea or talking about Korea only involves risks.

Koreans love the “Unity”

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