※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

One of the world-famous Japanese entrepreneurs tweeted, “I have always thought about making money and learning about management.”

However, in order to become friendly with the elite and aristocrats in Europe, “culture” was indispensable.

Caught up in daily life and work, we tend to forget about “culture”. Why not read such a story from time to time?


Today is the 72nd seasonal term (*), the day of “Earthworms Appear” (mimizu idzuru).

The time when “earthworms start to appear on the ground” symbolizes the arrival of spring, when the vitality of nature begins to stir, and refers to the scene where earthworms waking up from hibernation begin to be active.


Surprisingly, earthworms have the characteristic of sensing light and moving to dark places, even though they have no eyes.

It is said that the word “mimizu” came from the phrase “me miezu” (cannot see), referring to this characteristic.

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