※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Today is the day of “Frost Ends and Seedlings Emerge” (shimoyamitenaedzuru), one of the 72 seasonal terms (*).


The arrival of a season that lingers like the foot of Mount Fuji, where cold and warm alternate somewhere in Japan at the beginning of spring, has come.

This uncertain weather makes changing clothes difficult, but that is also part of the charm of spring.


Spring is a season when bright and vast landscapes spread out, with meanings such as “clear,” “stretch,” “depart,” “cultivate,” “watch,” and all things begin to be active.

New life sprouts, and fresh vegetables start to overflow in the market.

Especially, young greens that have just started to sprout are loved by people as ingredients as they are, or as ingredients for stews and salads.

During this season, according to Mr. Kamijo (pseudonym), the owner of a long-established Japanese restaurant in Kita Shinchi, Osaka,

He recommends enjoying dishes made with fresh spring vegetables.

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