The foreign exchange market has been moving rapidly recently, and inquiries have been surging.

Central banks around the world are also keeping a close eye on market trends with tension.

On the other hand, the pros among the pros see this large fluctuation as an opportunity to make a profit.


**Recommended article: [Focus on the dollar-yen exchange rate, “Pros are on fire. Amateurs, run away!”

(Click here)]

The forecast information of the foreign exchange market changes in a short period of time.

The pros among the pros unanimously say that it is important to “*doubt common sense*”.


*What exactly is this common sense?*


If it is common sense that the adjustment of the foreign exchange market is most appropriate through “*intervention*”, then how long is the duration of the intervention effect?

There is not much reportage by Japanese media about options other than intervention.

And, *the content is not specific. It cannot be denied that it feels superficial.*


Currently, a fund manager of a major fund in California, USA (a former colleague) is visiting Japan with his family, and I had dinner with him yesterday.

While he is a professional and naturally did not go into detail, he did answer questions considering an investment judgment that “*1 dollar will exceed 160 yen**.


**Question: How do you perceive this dollar-yen exchange rate?**

**I think the Japanese government mistimed the intervention.**

It even seems to me that they are tolerating a weaker yen and weaker stocks. I think it’s an easy environment to make a profit.


**Question: What do you think the Japanese government did wrong?**

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