※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Hey there! Today is one of those seventy-two seasons (you know, the ones in the traditional Japanese calendar), and it’s “Reed Starts to Grow” day. Sounds weird, right? But hey, why not remember it? It only happens once a year!


This is when trees start to go green and reeds by the water sprout like crazy. With the warm summer breeze and all that spring rain, plants are loving life right now.

This season has another name, too – “Gokou”, which means “grain rain”.


“Gokou” is when the fields are ripe and ready, and the spring rains fall just in time.

It’s also when some seriously good pure rice sake is brewed using the water collected during this period.

Especially, pure rice sake brewed with super soft water is said to be the best buddy for sushi.


So, today I want to share this little story I heard from a sushi chef in Ginza about a dish that pairs perfectly with pure rice sake.

Stick with me, this won’t take long.

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