※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Rakuten G, not suitable for investment, flipper, short-term resale

Natural disasters such as heavy rain, floods, lightning strikes, and eruptions have long been feared as phenomena that threaten life and livelihood.

Even in today’s advanced scientific and technological era, there are many uncertainties about these disasters, which shows how difficult it is to predict them.


However, animals seem to be able to predict earthquakes and take unusual actions to avoid risks.

There are countless examples such as “when catfish go wild, an earthquake occurs” “deep-sea fish are washed ashore” “mass stranding of dolphins and whales” “rats disappear from cities” “dogs howl” “cats try to go outside”.


The real story of elephants alerting their companions with ultrasonic waves and running up the mountains to avoid damage during the “Off Sumatra Earthquake” with a magnitude of 9.0 that occurred in the Indian Ocean off the northwest coast of Sumatra, western Indonesia, on December 26, 2004, is still fresh in our memories.

Japan has four large plates around its territory. How can we predict the “Rakuten earthquake” caused by the fifth plate called “investment”? This disaster is a “man-made disaster that can be predicted”.


To get closer to the predictive ability of animals, I would like you to listen to my disaster prevention measures after working in international finance for over 30 years.

Let me make it clear in advance that this is not a recommendation for investment or merchandise, but rather, please read it as an expert’s investment opinion that cannot be conveyed by newspaper reporters.

This is a story that has never been written in Japanese newspapers or economic magazines.

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