※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Today’s event in the seventy-two seasons (*), is the “Arrival of the Swallows” day.

It’s the time when swallows appear and announce the arrival of full-fledged spring.

Swallows have been loved by many people as messengers of spring.

They have many other names like Xuan bird, Tsubakurame, Tsubakura, and so on.

Swallows, with their unique flying style and beautiful appearance, have been familiar to us humans for a long time.

Especially in Japan, there is an old saying that “a house where swallows build their nests will be visited by happiness”, as swallows are beneficial birds that eat harmful insects.

Waiting for swallows to build their nests has become a poetic sign of the arrival of spring.

When swallows appear in Japan, they start collecting mud and dried grass and start building nests under the eaves of our houses and shops.

And it is said that once they build a nest, they return to the same place the next year.

Whether swallows remember that place, or if there is another reason, is a very interesting story.

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