※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Today, the 2024 professional baseball season finally begins. This day holds a special meaning for baseball fans.

The opening game and the existence of the opening pitcher themselves are part of Japan’s baseball culture and symbolize its unique customs.

It’s a unique Japanese culture where the first game out of the 143 games in a year holds special significance.

On the other hand, in the MLB where I played, the opening game is just one of the games in the year.

However, beyond that difference, there are many baseball fans eagerly awaiting the arrival of “ball spring”.

When a new season starts, it gives a premonition of the beginning of a new story, and it heightens the expectations of the fans.

It’s very enjoyable for baseball fans to wait and see what kind of drama this year’s season will generate.

The charm of baseball lies in its unpredictability. Each pitch has the potential to determine the course of the game.

And the individuality and stories of each team and player intertwine to weave one big narrative.

This season as well, we can’t take our eyes off which team will win and which player will steal the show.

This year again, let’s enjoy the season based on new analysis together, baseball fans.

First, let’s look at the pitchers of each baseball team.

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