※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

Today, in the 72nd season (※), it is the day of “Sakura begins to bloom” (sakura hajimete hiraku).

The cherry blossoms bloom reliably every year, and when the unchanging season comes near us, I feel like we can take a breath.

I will talk about “cherry blossom viewing”, which many Japanese people do not know.

The roots of the current flower viewing are the “Yoshino Hanami” in Bunroku 3 (1594), which is said to have been held by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

It is said that the grandiose flower viewing, which planted 1,000 cherry trees on the Yoshino mountain and invited 5,000 powerful warlords, lasted for 5 days.

Famous warlords such as Date Masamune, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Maeda Toshiie were invited, and it was a flower viewing that remained in history.

Afterwards, Tokugawa Yoshimune, the 8th shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, known as the rowdy shogun, created famous cherry blossom spots in various parts of Edo, and flower viewing spread to the common people of Edo and became deeply loved.

**So far, the story is what many people know.**

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