※Translated with Notion AI. (Plus version)

I operate a wholesale business in Toyosu, known as “Japan’s kitchen”.

Recently, I have become increasingly concerned that fish may disappear from Japanese dining tables.

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you what is happening now.

The other day, Mr. Tanaka (a pseudonym), the owner-chef of a popular creative Japanese restaurant in Hiroo, visited me with an unusually somber expression.

Mr. Tanaka is always smiling and his cooking skills can transform any dish into a work of art.

He told me that he had decided to close his restaurant, which he had been running for 10 years, and move to Italy.

A few days later, a skilled sushi chef also visited me to say goodbye.

He had decided to leave Japan to work at a new establishment in Qatar.

The reason they gave up being chefs in Japan was not due to the coronavirus, but the soaring prices of seafood.

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